Chicky Chicky Chook Chook

Chicky Chicky Chook Chook
by Cathy MacLennan

Fluffy chicks, buzzing bees and kitty cats play in the sun, nap, are soaked by a rainstorm, and then dried out by the sun again.  We picked this book because our library has it marked as developing the literary skills ‘print motivation’ and ‘phonological awareness.’  It was a HIT!  The alliterations are so much fun to read, and fun for my son to hear.  He’s really into making up nonsense rhymes so he loved the repetitive rhymes like “lazy… dozy. Snoozy… woooooozy.”  The animals emotions are brilliantly portrayed, and the pictures really jump off the page.  I love the author’s African-inspired style of crisp lines and textures, as well as the unique patterns.  I suspect my son will be begging for a fluffy pet chick all week…

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